Canceling an order is a quick way to reset stock, adjust account balances, refund credit cards, and more for an order. Keep in mind, that in order to do a partial credit/refund to the shopper's credit card, this MUST be performed from within your payment gateway account.
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Access the Order to Cancel
- Access the Orders page.
- Locate and click the pencil (edit) icon for the order you wish to cancel.
Click the Cancel Order Button
3. Click the Cancel Order button.
Confirm the Cancellation
4. Once you have read the information, click the Confirm button to continue with cancelling the order.
Cancelling an order will trigger the following:
- Refund any credit card or account balances used against this order.
- Restock inventory
- Set the order status to "Canceled"
- Credit budget used against this order
- Void Avalara tax requests for this order (if Avalara is enabled)
NOTE: Cancelling an order with a Coupon code will NOT reset the coupon code. The coupon code may need to be deleted, and re-created if you want the shopper to be able to re-use the same coupon on another order.
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