Co-Store Guide
This guide details how to proceed with closing our your Co-Store/Legacy platform account and some recommended reports to run before closing your store(s).
- Organization Level
- Site Level Co-Store
- Users
- Products
- Product Options
- Logo Management
- Permissions
- Reports
- Deactivate a Co-Store
Organization Level
The next sections detail your Organization Level tabs under the Co-Store/Legacy platform.
Co-Store Reports
There are two reports available at the distributor level. These reports offer information on all stores that you have in the co-store system.
This report offers statistics for each store that you have in the system, including the following information:
- Store Name
- Number of Groups
- Number of Users
- Number of Orders
- Total Sales
- Average Sale per Order
- Average Sales per User
To run this report enter a date range (start date and end date) and click on Download Report.
Store Sales
This report offers sales information for each store that you have in the system, all within one report. It includes the following information:
- Store Name
- Order Number
- Sub Total
- Discount
- Sales Tax
- Shipping
- Handling
- Donation
- Total
- GC (Gift Certificate) Amount Used
Totals are run for each store and for all stores combined.
To run this report enter a date range (start date and end date) and click on Download Report.
Shipping Categories
If any of your co-stores utilized the “Shipping” feature, you may want to screenshot any custom shipping tables you may have created. Under your admin dashboard, select “Shipping Categories”. Then click on the Category you wish to save and take a screenshot of the page. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference. Repeat with as many shipping categories as needed.
Please note: The only way you can identify what Shipping Category is assigned to each product is by clicking into each product page in your store admin.
Size Groups
Your store likely utilizes "Size Groups." You may want to screenshot any custom size groups you may have created and save them for future reference. Under your admin dashboard, select “Size Groups”. Then click on the Size Group you wish to save and take a screenshot of the page. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference. Repeat with as many size groups as needed.
Please note: Size options associated with each product will appear on your Product Export under the “Sizes” column. Associated pricing per product will appear under the “Prices” column. Taking a screenshot under the organization level “Size Groups” tab is a great reference of the size options you’ve presetup but do not show you variations in pricing.
Site Level Co-Store
The next sections go over your Site level tabs available in the Co-Store/Legacy platform.
To export your user list, click on the “Groups” tab in your store admin. Then click on the “Upload and Download User List” section. Then click “Download User List”. Your report will then download. Open to view or save locally.
Please note: This list will include all user data for both active and inactive users. This list will not identify which users are active vs inactive. You can view inactive users by clicking into a User Group and clicking the “Users” tab. Any users marked inactive will show at the bottom of the user list.
User Group permissions do not export. To view User Group permissions, click into each “User Group” and screenshot or make note of the “Payment Features” assigned on the “Edit” tab. Then click the “Category Permissions” tab to make note of the assigned categories.
To download your product data, click the “Products” tab in your store admin. Next, click “Download Product List”. Your product data will then download. Open to view or save locally.
This export will include the following data- Category, product Name, Active status, product Description, Production Time, Quantity Min, Personalization, Part Number, Logo Cost, Personalization Cost, Inventory Enabled status, Sales Tax status, Profile, Fulfillment Data, Charge First Logo status, Budget Exclusion status, Sort Value, Setup Charge, Sizes, Colors and Prices.
Please note: if any of these areas are not completed in your store, the information for those areas will be blank on your export.
Product Options
If you have an Expert store and utilize the “Advanced Product Queries” feature, you may want to take screenshots of the “Product Options” you have set up. To do so, click the “Products” tab in your store admin followed by “Product Option Builder”. From there, click into each “Option Name” you wish to save and take a screenshot of the page. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference. Repeat with as many product options as needed.
Please note: If you would like to identify which Product Options are assigned to each product, you will need to click into each product’s “Product Options” tab. This information does not export on the “Product List”
Logo Management
If your store products have logo assignments, you may want to screenshot or make note of which logos you have assigned as options to which Groups, Categories and/or Products. To do so, click the “Logo Management” tab in your store admin. Next, select a logo from the dropdown and screenshot or note the assigned User Groups and/or Categories. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference.
Next, click through your group/category options to see the specific product assignments associated with your logo. Screenshot and paste into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference, as needed. Repeat for each logo.
Depending on when your store was created, you may have used the “Logos” tab to set up logo assignments. If this was the case (and you’re not seeing any logos under the “Logo Management” tab, click the “Logos” tab to see logo names and Group or Category assignments. Screenshot and paste into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference, as needed.
If you have an Expert store and utilize the “Permissions” feature, you may want to take screenshots of the Group permissions you have set up. To do so, click the “Groups” tab in your store admin. From there, click into each “Group” you wish to save and take a screenshot of the page or note what options are checked under “Payment Features”. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference. Next click the “Category Permissions” tab and take a screenshot of the page. Paste this into a word document or wherever you would like to save it for reference. Repeat with as many Groups as needed.
Below you will find a complete breakdown of the reports found under the Reports tab in Company Store Manager.
Custom Report Builder
The Custom Report Builder can be used to run custom reports based on the information you have selected to be included in your report.
Step 1. Once you’re in the admin for the store you wish to run reporting for, click on the “Reports” tab followed by “Custom Report Builder.”
Step 2. You will notice that you have various options to choose from to build your custom report. The first area of this tab allows you to select the Date Range to run your report for, the User Group to be included in the report as well as the User to run the report for. The User Group and User drop downs automatically default to “ALL” so be sure to change these if you are looking to run a report by Group or Username.
Step 3. Next you will see that you have the options to "Check All" options to run the report on OR "Uncheck All" fields and select only the ones that you want to be included in the report.
Step 4. If you only want specific fields to be included in your custom report; go through and check the box next to the field you want to be included on the report.
- Order Fields: This area is broken down into fields that provide primary order information such as the Order Id, Order Status, Order Date, answers to Customized Queries and/or Custom Field text that the user would have provided at checkout.
- User Fields: Narrow your search down to user information with the User Fields section of the custom report builder. Search by Username, User ID, or the user’s First and/or Last Name, for example.
- Product Fields: Search for detailed product information with the Product Fields you prefer to be included in your customized report. Information here can include anything from Item Numbers to Item Colors or Unit Price, for example.
- Order Summary Fields: These fields allow you to run your report based off of the Order Total or Subtotal, Discounts used, Coupon Codes, and Sales Tax to name a few. This is where you will find the primary order summary information fields if you want to narrow your report down by order totals or coupon codes for example.
- Shipping Detail: Here you will find detailed information fields for Shipping Detail to be included in your custom report. Choose to search by specific information such as Tracking Number, Requested Delivery Date, Shipping Method Type, Ship Date, Shipping Account Number, and Residential Shipping Address.
- Billing Address: Here you can locate specific Billing Address information for orders by selecting from the fields in this area of the report. For example, search by Billing Name, Billing Email, and Billing Phone information fields for detailed information that was entered in these fields on the checkout page.
- Shipping Address: This area of the customized report includes all Shipping Address information fields that are found on the checkout page of your store. You can include ALL of these fields or only the fields you select to show up on your report.
Step 5. Once you have selected all of the fields that you would like to be included in your Custom Report, you can now run your report. You can click Save to CSV to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
To run a previously saved report, select your report from the Saved Reports drop down menu and click on the "Run Report" button to generate a saved report.
Inventory Report
This report is used by those using the Inventory feature to track inventory for all or some of their products in the store. It shows each product broken down by Size and Color and what has been Sold, Adjustments that have been made and the Quantity that remains in stock.
You can click Save to CSV to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
The Report generated will include the following information:
- Item Number
- Product Name
- Size
- Color
- Starting (quantity in stock during date range)
- Adjustments (increase or decrease of product during date range)
- Sold (quantity sold within date range)
- Inventory on Hand (how many items are available in stock during date range)
- Unit Cost (per unit in stock during date range)
- Inventory Value (what the total value of the inventory is during date range)
This report can be helpful if you are using the MOAS (Manager Order Approval System) feature in your store. The report shows orders (with order details) that are waiting for manager approval and have not gone into the system as an order yet. You may filter this report by Date Range (beginning date and end date), User Group or User. Orders may be approved or denied from this report as well.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Please note: If your store was utilizing MOAS, you may want to run this report to make sure you don’t have any outstanding orders awaiting approval or denial before closing your store.
The Sales Report delivers a specific view of Product Sales within a determined length of time. This report shows the sales breakdown for each order placed. This includes the Username and Group, Payment Information, and a breakdown of Sub-Total, Discount, Sales Tax, Shipping, Handling and Order Total.
This Report can be filtered by User Group, User, Order Status and Default Payment Code. You also have the option to select “Show Ship To,” which will display the product’s shipping destination. You also now have the option to select “Show Employee Id” which will display the Employee Id for the user that placed the order if you are utilizing the Employee Id feature.
The following column headings are displayed for the date range selected (those that are underlined are sortable within the Report):
- Ship To (an optional column showing the product’s shipping destination)
- Order (the internal Company Store Order number)
- Order Date
- User Group
- User Name
- Employee Id
- Payment Method
- Payment Code (this can be a PO # or Payroll Deduction for example)
- Payment Sub-Total (the total price of the product without shipping, handling or sales tax)
- Discount (listing of any discounts that applied to this order such as gift certificates or quantity discounts)
- Sales Tax (total cost of any sales tax applied to this order)
- Shipping (total cost of any shipping charges applied to this order)
- Handling (total cost of any handling fees applied to this order)
- Order Total - At the bottom of the Report the Totals are computed for the columns Sub-Total, Discount, Sales Tax, Shipping, Handling and Order Total.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
The Products Report is beneficial when analyzing the products offered in your store within a specified time range. This report shows sales information for each product in the store. This includes Dollar Value Sold, % of Product Sales and % of Store Sales.
The Report can be filtered by Product Category and by Product Category/Subcategory.
The column headers displayed are:
- Item#
- Product Name
- Color
- Size
- Quantity Sold
- Unit Price
- Dollar Value Sold
- % of Sales
- % of Store Sales
- Cost (what the product costs the company store)
- Profit (profit made from sale)
The Products appear in order of Categories sold from greatest to least. None of the column headers can be sorted.
You can click Save to CSV to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Gift Certificates
The Gift Certificate Report’s purpose is to list Gift Certificates that have been distributed to Users within a specified date range. For those gift certificates that have been used, it shows the Order Information.
You may filter this report by Date Range (start date and end date), User Group or User.
If you are utilizing the Employee Id feature then you can also check the box next to Show Employee Id to show the Employee Id for the user that placed the order.
The column headers for the Gift Certificate report are displayed as:
- User Group
- User Name
- Employee Id
- Debits (displays the dollar amount, if any, of the gift certificate amount used)
- Balance (displays the dollar amount remaining of the gift certificate)
The bottom row displays the Total Dollar Amount of all the remaining gift certificates combined.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
This report shows all coupons that have been added to the system including their Coupon Code, Expiration Date, Partial Coupon Amount Used (if applicable) and Coupon Amount Remaining. This report can be filtered by Date Range (starting date and end date), User Group or User.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
The Budget report can only be used if the store is utilizing the Budget feature. This report shows Remaining Budget amounts for Users or Groups. It also shows Orders that have been placed and what Amount of the Budget these orders Used. You can filter this report by Date Range (start date and end date), User Group or User.
The column headers displayed are: (underlined columns are sortable).
- Order (the internal Company Store Order number)
- Order Date
- User Group
- User Name
- Payment Method
- Payment Code
- Amount (amount of budget used)
- Balance (amount of remaining budget)
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Budget Remaining
This report provides you with information on the current Budgets Remaining Unused in the store. You can search by User Group or User.
The report provides you with the following information:
- Username
- First Name
- Last Name
- Manager Email
- Budget Balance (total budget remaining)
If you are searching ALL User Groups and Users, the report display is broken down by User Group which allows each group’s information to be separated and makes this report easily readable.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
The Spending Report is useful for identifying what each User Group and each individual User has spent within a specific date range. This report shows a breakdown of spending. It’s broken down by user group or by user and includes the orders placed and what their total amount spent is.
The column headers for this Report are:
- Order #
- User Group
- User Name
- Full Name
- PO Number
- Order Total
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Product Detail
The Product Detail Report itemizes and displays particular product information for each product ordered. This report shows each product by Name and Item Number and how much of each item has been Sold. Order Numbers are also displayed. The Item # and Product Name are displayed with columns listing Order #, Size, Color, Quantity Ordered and Quantity Total.
This Report may be filtered by the following:
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Product Category
- Product
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Category Sales
The Report will generate a Total Amount of Sales for the particular Category selected and all of its products. The Category Sales Report offers five filters to receive the data you are seeking:
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Product Category
Once generated, the Category Sales report will include the following information:
- Categories Selected
- User Group
- User
- Order Total for Category
At the bottom of the report there will be a Total adding sales of all categories selected.
You can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Query Response
The Query Response report shows Queries asked on the store checkout page and their responses. This report tab will not show up if you are not currently using the Customize Queries feature which is an expert level store feature.
You may only filter this report by date range (Start and End Date).
The report includes the Primary Query (and Second Query if applicable), Responses, Products Ordered, Quantity Ordered, and the Sales for this order.
You can click Save to "CSV to view" the report in CSV file format and save locally.
Order Detail
The Order Detail Report offers complete information on orders. The following filters allow you to define the exact information that you are seeking:
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
After making the filter selections, you can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally. Your report will generate, providing you with the Order #, the Order Date, User Group, Username, First & Last Name, Payment Code, Item #, Product, Quantity, Unit Price, Extended Price, Sales Tax, Estimated Shipping and Order Total.
Order Detail ll
The Order Detail II Report offers complete information on orders. This report allows you to search by Order Id or Products whereas the Order Detail report does not.
The following filters allow you to define the exact information you see:
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Product
- Order Id (this option Supersedes ALL filtering options)
After making the filter selections, you can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally. Your report will generate showing the Order #, the Order Date, User Group, Username, First & Last Name, Order Status, Item #, Product Name, Color, Logo, Size, Qty (Quantity), Item Price and Item Cost.
Order Detail lll
The Order Detail III Report combines the Order Details and Order Details II reports.
The following filters allow you to define the exact information you seek:
- Date Range
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Product
- Order Id (this option Supersedes ALL filtering option)
After making the filter selections, you can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally. Your report will include the Order #, the Order Date, User Group, Username, First & Last Name, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Payment Method, Payment Code, Credit Card Info, Tracking Number, Approval Email, Employee ID, Primary Question, Primary Response, Secondary Question, Secondary Response, Custom Date, Custom Field Text, Item #, Product, Personalization, Color, Size, Quantity, Unit Price, Extended Price, Sales Tax, Estimated Shipping, Order Total, and order Notes.
Ship To
The Ship to Detail Report offers complete information on Orders and the Ship To Address. The following filters allow you to define the exact information you seek:
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Order Status
- Product
- Order Id (Supersedes ALL filtering options)
After making the filter selections, you can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally. Your report will include the Order #, the Order Date, Employee Id, Ship to Address, Payment Method, Payment Code, Username, First & Last Name, Status, Item #, Product Name, Color, Size, Quantity, Item Price & Item Cost.
The Subsidy report gives you detailed information on the Order #, Order Total, Payment Method used, User details that placed the order, Employee Id, Internal ID fields (found in company store manager under the users edit tab), and Freight costs. You must have the Subsidy feature enabled in order to get the product's subsidy amount.
- Start Date
- End Date
- User Group
- User
- Product
- Order Id (Supersedes ALL filtering options)
After making the filter selections, you can click "Save to CSV" to view the report in CSV file format and save locally. Your report will generate showing the Order #, the Order Date, User Group, Username, Last Name, First Name, Internal Id fields, Employee Id, Payment Method, Sub Total, Sales Tax, Freight, Order Total & Subsidy.
Deactivate a Co-Store
Step 1: Log in to the Company Store Manager.
Step 2: Click on the "Stores" tab.
Step 3: Select the store you wish to manage.
Step 4: Select the "Edit" tab and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Step 5: Click on "Global Settings." Uncheck both the “Access the Company Store Manager” and the “Bring your store to life!” boxes. Click on "Save." You should now see that store move to the Inactive category.
Once all of your co-stores have been closed, please notify Katie Keane at
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